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Programming discussions from newsgroups!
Hi FriendsWish you very happy diwaliD Singh
Whats the point in inheriting? it seems stupid, i can think of alot of
other ways to program without using inheriting and less complex.
Hi All!
I have quite a few clients in need in Silicon Valley.
I need a few people with C++ (multithreaders front and back end would
be super), to Tool Engineers (GNUMake people)and I strongly need an
Architect that is an expert in Windows platforms. That one is my top
priority because that person will help fill in the team once they are
My clients are doing things I consider to be bleeding edge and
exciting! They only want people from the SF Bay Area though please.
Some can consider people here on Visa's, as long as you are here. You
can contact me directly at or if you are interested.
Maryellen O'Connell
Hi all
My requirement is as follows:
I need to read a text file, eliminate certain special characters(like !
, - = + ), and then convert it to lower case and then remove certain
stopwords(like and, a, an, by, the etc) which is there in another txt
Then, i need to run it thru a stemmer(a program which converts words
like running to run, ie, converts them to roots words).
Then i need to create a term-by-document matrix, which would be a
matrix, where in M(i,j) will give the number of times the term j occurs
in the document i.
My situation as of now is as below:
I have read the file contents into a string variable, removed/replaced
the special characters with a space using the replace function, and
then converted the string completely to lower case, using the transform
I would really appreciate .any help, thanks i advance.
The code is as below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
using std::string;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int var_len;
FILE *fp;
long len;
char *buf;
buf=(char *)malloc(len);
string file;
cout<< file <<endl;
vector<string> files;
vector<string> punct;//Vector of strings to remove the
punctuationsfrom each files
cout<<"This is a sample program"<<endl;
for (int i=0;i<punct.size();i++)
std::replace(file.begin(),file.end(),';',' ');
std::replace(file.begin(),file.end(),'-',' ');
std::replace(file.begin(),file.end(),'+',' ');
std::replace(file.begin(),file.end(),'(',' ');
std::replace(file.begin(),file.end(),'!',' ');
std::replace(file.begin(),file.end(),'/',' ');
//Removing single and double quotes
std::replace(file.begin(),file.end(),'\"',' ');
cout << "After removing 'the'" <<endl;
c# is the purest in oop
the only thing not oop is the way you create a new variable class, but
the algebraic way is more clear
BlueRaja and jhaley, thank you both for your responses. You helped me
to get a better understanding of the nature of choice and its effects
on the programming of the Matrix.
I've been doing some thinking, and here's what I've come up with
The programming of the Matrix contains an equation that is balanced
when everyone chooses to accept the Matrix.
When a person rejects the Matrix, it produces a tiny unbalancing of the
equation (an anomaly, or irregularity).
When lots of people reject the Matrix, the unbalanced portion starts to
add up (a systemic anomaly).
At a certain point, the total amount of this imbalance becomes attached
to a single person in the form of code (integral anomaly, or the entire
amount of the systemic anomaly brought together into a single person).
This person (the One) then becomes the expression of the anomaly, or
the scapegoat. The entire portion of the imbalance is found within
The only way that the equation can be balanced is for the imbalanced
portion to be destroyed.
The only way for the imbalanced portion to be destroyed is for it to be
brought to the Source.
The only way for it to be brought to the Source is through the human to
which it is attached.
The only way to get the human to unload the imbalance into the Source
is to offer him the choice to do so. The imbalance was created because
of choice, and it can only be destroyed by choice.
Unloading the imbalance into the Source to be destroyed is the final
step to the Path of the One. The Path of the One is the prime program
of the Matrix. It begins with the One choosing 23 individuals to
rebuild Zion and ends with the next One dumping the code into the
In programming terms, a prime program is a minimal entry, single exit
flow chart graph. What that means is that there is only one exit that
will allow the Matrix to continue--for the One to dump the imbalanced
code. If he does not do so, the Matrix crashes and everyone dies.
It was inevitable that the One would return to the Source. Not even
Neo was able to sidestep it. He may have produced a different result
than the previous Ones, but in the end he returned to the Source just
like they did. The difference is that Neo managed to keep Zion from
being destroyed and forced the Architect to change the programming of
the Matrix so that when people reject the Matrix it is no longer an
anomaly. Because there is no longer an anomaly being created when
people reject the Matrix, there will not be another One.
well not necessarily, *nix doesn't use file extensions. anyway, to
avoid confusion, many people use the extensions in the name anyway, but
ive never seen .bin for binaries in linux personally.
2005/10/23, <>:
> I have listed free software books available online for C, C++, JAVA,
> XML,Database, Networking, .NET
> in my website .
> So please have a look and make use of it.
Thank you very much!
Hi Dear,
You can go for OMNI ORB. at the following link
its totally free.
Bhupinder Singh.
If you want a modifications(i.e add extra functionality) you can use
On 10/24/05,
<> wrote:
> Whats the point in inheriting? it seems stupid, i can think of alot of
> other ways to program without using inheriting and less complex.
Whats the point in inheriting? it seems stupid, i can think of alot of
other ways to program without using inheriting and less complex.
Whats the point in classes? it seems stupid, i can think of alot of
ways to do something that i would regularly do if i use classes and it
would be less complex to read and more simple
.bin files, if coupled with the associated .cue files, are typically CD iso's. However, if it's just a plain .bin file, it's more likely than not a Linux binary file. If you don't know how to run it, it probably won't do you much good anyways.
----- Original Message -----From: chinmay shandilyaSent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 9:31 PMSubject: a new format of fileshey frendz i hav come across a new type of files- the binary data files with the extension ".bin". mayb sum1 of u knows the right sort of program or software to open these files. plz help me. thanx. bye
hey frendz i hav come across a new type of files- the binary data files with the extension ".bin". mayb sum1 of u knows the right sort of program or software to open these files. plz help me. thanx. bye
hello raj. actually when v initialize the value of &s[0] to some variable(only a pointer variable) v r passing the address of that element. but in case of arrays v dont need to put a & sign to pass the address of array element if v r passing the adress to some user-bult function. so if u cld plz clearly tell d prob u r facing i cld help u in a better way. bye
hi all, i am worry abt the concept of 2D array. Let s[5][2] is a 2D
array. so what is the difference between s[0],s[1]..... and &s[0],
&s[1].... .pls help me...bye
I have listed free software books available online for C, C++, JAVA,
XML,Database, Networking, .NET
in my website .
So please have a look and make use of it.
i am from China , I am looking for the corba lib and source code free
of charge? where can i found?pls mail me.
yes "kannada" is correct.
Indic Scripts -> Kannada
I'm assuming you made a typo since I only found "Kannada" on this
Okay, I think I got it. Thanks.
Creating classes that can take multipe types of data types as input.
comparing two integers, character, or strings, one function can do what
would take three with normal functions
google "c++ template functions" for examples
Creating classes that can take multipe types of data types as input.
comparing two integers, character, or strings, one function can do what
would take three with normal functions
google "c++ template functions" for examples
*(*this).priority and *student.priority are pointing to the same memory
location when they should be pointing at two different ones
According to your debug, it should work fine.
I asked you nicely already not to spam on the boards (Sumant). Please stop, or you'll be banned.
Indic Scripts -> Kannada
I'm assuming you made a typo since I only found "Kannada" on this
I've overloaded the operator <. Since it's a binary operator, I
implemented it as a member function and just pass it another object,
the code looks like this:
class StudClass{
StudClass(bool fcfs, int initTime, int initRi)
else{ priority=&requestedTime; }
bool operator<(const StudClass& student) const
----> { return(*this->priority < *student.priority); }
int *priority;
bool fcfs;
int arrivalTime;
int requestedTime;
When the operator< is called the two different pointers this->priority
and student.priority point to the same space, an integer stored in the
passed object (student). When I changed priority to an integer it
worked correctly. Is there something wrong with using pointers from
two different objects?
Here's a copy of the debug information:
*student.priority 10 __int32
- priority 0x0012f01c __int32*
*StudClass.priority 10 __int32
- this 0x02cb5fb0 { priority=0x0012f01c fcfs=false arrivalTime=0
...} StudClass*
arrivalTime 0 __int32
fcfs false bool
- priority 0x0012f01c __int32*
*(*this).priority 10 __int32
requestedTime 30 __int32
I can help you with also. But before that I am curious to know how are
you coming up with these questions? Just while playing with prefix,
postfix operators your realised the "fun" part in it? or what? I am
really interested in the reason behind it.
Anyways, I would encourage you and your friends to join
and BTW, here is a rather long but best answer to your question:;jsessionid=VHWV5S4ARKCNMQSNDBCCKH0CJUMEKJVN?articleID=9900661
No one is going to do your homework for you; try reading your book :)
Sumant wrote:
> Your concern is right!
> The question you are asking here is quite subtle.
> Apart from the address of elements you have to pay attention at the
> type of the element.
> See,
> when you have an "int s[10]"
> s gives you a value which is an address of first element of the
> array. (This is called "decay")
> The TYPE of this value is " int * ". Which means a pointer to an
> integer.
> &s[0] also gives you a value which is an address of the first element
> of the array but there is no decay here. The TYPE of this value is "
> int * ". Which means a pointer to an integer.
> Real interesting part starts here:
> &s is different thing all together as far as the TYPE is concerned. The
> value given by &s is same as s or &s[0] but the TYPE of &s is " int
> (*)[10] ". Note the difference. It says it is a pointer to an array of
> 10 integers. This is definitely not the same as pointer to an integer.
> The concept of "decay of array name to the pointer to the first
> element" in C really blurs this distinction!
> Now apply this concept to 2D arrays.
> int s[5][2]
> You understand s[0][0] and &s[0][0].
> Now s[0] is an array of integers. so s[0] DECAYS to "int *" A pointer
> to the first element of s[0] which is infact &s[0][0] by value. But
> &s[0] is not the same (though the address is same) The TYPE of &s[0] is
> " int (*)[2] " which means a pointer to an array of 2 integers. Now
> imagine what s is : It is, after decay, int (*)[2]. and &s is int
> (*)[5][2]. Note the difference. First is a pointer to an array of 2
> integers. Second one is a pointer to a 2 dimentional array of integers.
> Also note that decay happens only once for the last dimention of the
> array.
> So for s[5][2][3]
> s means int (*)[5][2]
> and
> &s means int (*)[5][2][3]
> I know this is getting very involved! Play with a c++ compiler instead
> of C compiler which spits out " type errors". such as int *p = &s; C
> compiler won't. Last note: CONCENTRATE ON TYPE NOT THE VALUE. Hope that
> helps.
hi frnd,
Very very thanks for my help. Ur concept is very useful
for me.I have found my answer.
Now i have a new problem.
let i=2;
so, j=i++ + ++i;
its anw would be ;j=6 and i=4 after excecution.
But now problem starts from here:
if i=2;
j= ++i + ++i;
then o/p after execution willbe:
j= 8 or unpredicted .
i cant explation howthis process has been done. pls help me.
take care .bye
I am Nagaraj stdying B.E CSE in Karnataka, India. I want to develop
true type font using Unicode. I want to build Kanada unicode font,
which is my mother tongue. Please help me to develope the same. if
anybody knows tips, code, docs, books can send to this email id . I will begin the project by the end of this
I hope i will get good help from all. please be in touch.
JNN College of Engg
Shimoga 577204
Your concern is right!
The question you are asking here is quite subtle.
Apart from the address of elements you have to pay attention at the
type of the element.
when you have an "int s[10]"
s gives you a value which is an address of first element of the
array. (This is called "decay")
The TYPE of this value is " int * ". Which means a pointer to an
&s[0] also gives you a value which is an address of the first element
of the array but there is no decay here. The TYPE of this value is "
int * ". Which means a pointer to an integer.
Real interesting part starts here:
&s is different thing all together as far as the TYPE is concerned. The
value given by &s is same as s or &s[0] but the TYPE of &s is " int
(*)[10] ". Note the difference. It says it is a pointer to an array of
10 integers. This is definitely not the same as pointer to an integer.
The concept of "decay of array name to the pointer to the first
element" in C really blurs this distinction!
Now apply this concept to 2D arrays.
int s[5][2]
You understand s[0][0] and &s[0][0].
Now s[0] is an array of integers. so s[0] DECAYS to "int *" A pointer
to the first element of s[0] which is infact &s[0][0] by value. But
&s[0] is not the same (though the address is same) The TYPE of &s[0] is
" int (*)[2] " which means a pointer to an array of 2 integers. Now
imagine what s is : It is, after decay, int (*)[2]. and &s is int
(*)[5][2]. Note the difference. First is a pointer to an array of 2
integers. Second one is a pointer to a 2 dimentional array of integers.
Also note that decay happens only once for the last dimention of the
So for s[5][2][3]
s means int (*)[5][2]
&s means int (*)[5][2][3]
I know this is getting very involved! Play with a c++ compiler instead
of C compiler which spits out " type errors". such as int *p = &s; C
compiler won't. Last note: CONCENTRATE ON TYPE NOT THE VALUE. Hope that
Hi all,
Guys! I liked your work/disussion on C++ here.
I just thought you might be interested in looking
at and hopefully subscribing yet another C++ blog:
This blog is about "Intermediate to advanced material on C++ langugae
features, standards, idioms and design patterns." I try to publish some
serious and useful C++ and OO material on this blog. I also encourage
you to subscribe so that you don't have to
visit the website often. You will discover many useful resources on the
cpptruths@yahoogroups homepage. Publishing frequency is around 1/2
posts per week.
static Logger *loggerObj ;
I think this is the problem.
It may be:
static Logger loggerObj;
So, it is constructed by itself.
Do not forget to place this in your cpp file:
Logger Logger::loggerObj;
Good Lucky~!
static Logger *loggerObj ;
I think this is the problem.
It may be:
static Logger loggerObj;
So, it is constructed by itself.
Do not forget to place this in your cpp file:
Logger Logger::loggerObj;
Good Lucky~!
Hi dear,
No need to work hard..
work smart... !
just use the STL maps in C++. This is optimized implementation of the
data structures.
HalFas` wrote:
> Hello there,
> i have some problem here...
> I need to make an dictionary program for my friend with Borland c++
> builder, i have this structure:
> struct Tdict {
> > AnsiString word;
> > AnsiString transl;
> > };
> > Tdict *database ;
> >
> All is ok, but i need to create fast&optimized search BY TYPING.
> Please help me. I'm open to all suggestions and etc..
Hi Riti,
I there is no problem in declaring / defining the constructor in
private. There is no compilation error. The problem is you will not be
able to instantiate the object of the class with private constructor.
In this case you must have some public method that can call the
constructor and return the newly created object to the caller. For eg.
Singleton Pattern. So the error you are talking about is I think with
instantiation not with the declaration/definition.
look at some code for singleton pattern and all the things will be
clear to you.
Hope it answers your query...
rits wrote:
> bhupinder i have read that u cannot declare the constructors in
> means the compiler will always give error even when u
> declare the constructor in private even if there is no
> inheritance.please check if i am correct.
You can search on google, there are a lot of web pages that explain C++ in a very detailed manner.
hi all;
I wanrt learn c++ i need book or web adress please help me my gmail PLEASE!!!!!!
gayathri senthamaraikannan wrote:
> Hi,
> s[0][0] gives the value stored in that array
> &s[0][0] gives the address in which that value is stored
> example:
> int main()
> {
> int a[2][2]={10,20,
> 30,40};
> printf("\n%d %d",a[0][0],&a[0][0]);
> printf("\n%d %d",a[1][1],&a[1][1]);
> return 0;
> }
> Hope this helps
> Regards
> Gayathri
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 wrote :
> >
> >hi all, i am worry abt the concept of 2D array. Let s[5][2] is a 2D
> >array. so what is the difference between s[0],s[1]..... and &s[0],
> >&s[1].... .pls help me...bye
> >
gayathri senthamaraikannan wrote:
> Hi,
> s[0][0] gives the value stored in that array
> &s[0][0] gives the address in which that value is stored
> example:
> int main()
> {
> int a[2][2]={10,20,
> 30,40};
> printf("\n%d %d",a[0][0],&a[0][0]);
> printf("\n%d %d",a[1][1],&a[1][1]);
> return 0;
> }
> Hope this helps
> Regards
> Gayathri
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 wrote :
> >
> >hi all, i am worry abt the concept of 2D array. Let s[5][2] is a 2D
> >array. so what is the difference between s[0],s[1]..... and &s[0],
> >&s[1].... .pls help me...bye
> >
thanks of my help. but its can not fullfill my requirement. i wanna to
know that &s[0] gives the address of first ROW in 2D array. but if we
implement a programme, the same task is done using s[0] only. it give
the address of first ROW of 2D array also, according to
"LET US C"(book). So my problem is exactly same as well as previous.
class Logger
private :
string debugLogFileName ;
/* File streams */
ofstream *debugLogStream ;
/* private constructor to make it singleton */
Logger() ;
static Logger *loggerObj ;
public :
void setDebugLogFileName( string debugLog ) ;
/* Methods for Debug log */
void printDebug( const char *logMessage ) ;
void printInfo( const char *logMessage ) ;
void printError( const char *logMessage ) ;
void closeLog() ;
~Logger() ;
static Logger* instance() ;
here I have decleared a startic fuction that i will use to create object.
bhupinder i have read that u cannot declare the constructors in means the compiler will always give error even when u
declare the constructor in private even if there is no
inheritance.please check if i am correct.
bhupinder i have read that u cannot declare the constructors in means the compiler will always give error even when u
declare the constructor in private even if there is no
inheritance.please check if i am correct.
The & specifies an address in memory.
&some_var This provides the address of some_var
some_var The actual value of some_var.
Same with arrays except that arrays are noted with brackets.
how do you think "thinking in c++"
I only read this book.
otherways, if you want ot learn oop, i think, java is better.
c++ is not pure
This should really be broken down into two problems: sorting the entries in the database and searching the entries in the database.
how do you think "thinking in c++"
I only read this book.
otherways, if you want ot learn oop, i think, java is better.
c++ is not pure
Hello there,
struct Tdict {
AnsiString word;
AnsiString transl;
Tdict *database ;
The C++ Programming Language is a great reference, but I really
recommend Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, 5th Edition by Jesse
Liberty. I also love Herbert Schildt's "C++: a beginners guide".
They're my two favourite C++ authors.
s[0][0] gives the value in that array but &s[0][0] is a poniter that
points to the adress of s[0][0]
hope that will help you
Hi Ashutosh,
The question you asked is just like implementing the functionality as
Final class in java.
C++ don't have direct keyword but has the means to implement this
Idea is if you derive(virtual public) a class from another class having
private constructors, you cannot create an object of derived class.
To avoid this you need to declare derived (Final class) class as friend
of base class. So that now if some one tries to inherit from this Final
class, compilation gives error as this class cannot call constructor of
its super class i.e. Final class's super class i.e. base class that has
private constructor.
just see the example code given below.
class Temp
~Temp() { };
friend class FinalClass;
class FinalClass : virtual public Temp
. . .
Hope this will serve your purpose.
join CPP Sucks at "" and also invite your
friends to joins this also to have healthy discussion on C++.
Bhupinder Singh.
ashutosh verma wrote:
> hi to all,
> I am new to the group. & i've just read the topics there & i found that my
> knowledge about C++ & Oops is like a drop in the ocean. Means you guys are
> master of this language. would you please recommend me the book, i should
> read which covers the topic like:-
> "how we can initialize a class such that no class can be derived from it,
> further etc." like which also tell about the realastic approach to the
> properties of every topic in C++.
> I have referred *Robert Lafore* in Oops. What else i should reffer.
> Please Reply.
Hi, I found the function in a directory of National Instrument board;
now I must to link a library (so the main find and can use the
-do you know witch kind of sequence of instrustions I can use to link a
thank you!
There are many research topics that can be good for masters thesis.
1. text to speech engine ( for your own regional language.)
2. Voice recognition ( for your regional language.)
3. Simulator for any DNA computation model.
4. Data compression / Image compression ( you can provide your own
technique.( self ogranising maps based compression.
5. Data clustering
any many more like that.
s[0][0] gives the value stored in that array
&s[0][0] gives the address in which that value is stored
int main()
int a[2][2]={10,20,
printf("\n%d %d",a[0][0],&a[0][0]);
printf("\n%d %d",a[1][1],&a[1][1]);
return 0;
Hope this helps
On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 wrote :
>hi all, i am worry abt the concept of 2D array. Let s[5][2] is a 2D
>array. so what is the difference between s[0],s[1]..... and &s[0],
>&s[1].... .pls help me...bye
hi all, i am worry abt the concept of 2D array. Let s[5][2] is a 2D
array. so what is the difference between s[0],s[1]..... and &s[0],
&s[1].... .pls help me...bye
I'd say that first book to look to is "The C++ programming language" written by Bjarne Stroustrup. It's very nice as a handbook, but if you need a reference find another one (It's language is very technical, at least for me). It also says not only what things are possible/ impossible in C++, but also why. I also found very nice thing C++ FAQ lite. Say what precisely what do you need, and we will try to give more precise answers.
hi to all,I am new to the group. & i've just read the topics there & i found that my knowledge about C++ & Oops is like a drop in the ocean. Means you guys are master of this language. would you please recommend me the book, i should read which covers the topic like:-"how we can initialize a class such that no class can be derived from it, further etc." like which also tell about the realastic approach to the properties of every topic in C++.I have referred Robert Lafore in Oops. What else i should reffer.Please Reply.
Hi All,
please, there are someone witch know the c++ function to read data
from a PCI board? I know only the function to read from keyboard and
from file... Help me please!! Bye wrote:
> I can't understand......
Given the code fragment...
while (!infile.eof()) {
perform whatever tasks...
perform the next task
The while loop wouldn't be broken after the end of file of infile was
encountered. That is, 'perform the next task' was never done. The
program just stalled at the bottom or top bracket. The problem was
solved by inserting a symbol into the data that indicated the end of
the data file with the loop break contingent on encountering this
symbol. The file size confusion occured because there was processed
data trapped between the brackets when the program stalled. It
appeared as if there was a maximum allowable file size permitted.
ok nagaraj
Hi,I am Engg Student. I need your help to learn C++.
2005/10/14, Nagaraj P <>:
> Hi,
> I am Engg Student. I need your help to learn C++.
> --
> Nagaraj
i also plan to learn C++.let's do it together!
There are many research topics that can be good for masters thesis.
1. text to speech engine ( for your own regional language.)
2. Voice recognition ( for your regional language.)
3. Simulator for any DNA computation model.
4. Data compression / Image compression ( you can provide your own
technique.( self ogranising maps based compression.
5. Data clustering
any many more like that.
Hi All
Can anyone send me code for implementing BigInt in c++. I need to
provide BigInt.h that has all implementations such as add,sub,<=,>= etc
Thanks and Regards
Can any body provide any good research oriented project proposal for
masters degree. I m interested in embedded system.
both right
if I want get the second value,the fist case is **(var+1);
the second case is *(*var+1)
Thanks for both
On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 BhupinderSingh wrote :
>Hi Gayathri,
>This is the complete solution to your problem. Hope it will solve your
>int *var[5]; /* Array of pointers to int values */
>The array modifier has higher priority than the pointer modifier, so
>var is declared to be an array. The pointer modifier applies to the
>type of the array elements; therefore, the array elements are pointers
>to int values.
>int (*var)[5]; /* Pointer to array of int values */
>In this declaration for var, parentheses give the pointer modifier
>higher priority than the array modifier, and var is declared to be a
>pointer to an array of five int values.
>join "CPP Sucks" at "" and also invite your
>friends to join this group, to have healthy discussion on C++.
>Bhupinder Singh.
Hi Gayathri,
This is the complete solution to your problem. Hope it will solve your
int *var[5]; /* Array of pointers to int values */
The array modifier has higher priority than the pointer modifier, so
var is declared to be an array. The pointer modifier applies to the
type of the array elements; therefore, the array elements are pointers
to int values.
int (*var)[5]; /* Pointer to array of int values */
In this declaration for var, parentheses give the pointer modifier
higher priority than the array modifier, and var is declared to be a
pointer to an array of five int values.
join "CPP Sucks" at "" and also invite your
friends to join this group, to have healthy discussion on C++.
Bhupinder Singh.
I appreciate you not deleting this post. I was concerned that my
questions would be viewed as spam or some sort of joke, but the truth
of the matter is that I simply didn't know who else to ask. The
philosopher-types on the Matrix forums want to concentrate on the
philosophical matters (obviously), but I wanted to understand the more
technical aspects.
I was worried that you'd say what you did--that the Wachowski Brothers
just used a bunch of fancy words to mystify the audience. I was hoping
that wasn't the case, because the whole thing with trying to figure out
how Neo got his powers (was he born special? was he modified by the
Machines? some combination of the two?) and the nature of the anomaly
(is it a glitch like you explained? is it choice? is it Zion?) makes me
feel like it's more than just mumbo jumbo. I love the movies, and so
my analytical mind wants to try to understand how it all works, while
working under the assumption that there actually IS something to
Your view about the anomaly being a glitch is actually the popular one
on the forums (don't you feel special), and one that I myself had for
quite some time. The thing that always bothered me about it was this:
if the anomaly is indeed a glitch, why can't the Architect get rid of
it? And more to the point, how does a human do what the Architect
can't? Furthermore, how does dumping a glitch somehow reboot the
Matrix? I've never been able to reboot my computer by loading a glitch
into it, and so I was confused how the One is able to do it.
I could go on and on, but I don't want to wear out my welcome here.
You've been kind enough to respond to my first post, and if you feel so
inclined to continue the conversation, it would be greatly appreciated.
Either that, or you could go back to helping out the high school girls.
How do you access the file (binary / text)?
Could you please post some code, maybe there is another error.
Best regards
For what its worth, here is my $.02.
Neo is a tool for the Architect. He is a program that gathers
information about the system to help the Architect design a better
system for humans. The Architect does not understand the logic or
choices that humans make.
The Architect probably would rewrite parts of the Matrix based on the
information gathered by Neo such that it would improve the probability
that more humans would accept the Matrix as real and not reject it.
I write programs all the time to help monitor system activity and
processes. There are way too many machines for me to watch them
individually all the time. I use the reports to help isolate problems
and make decisions.
Thus, the Architect is debugging or trouble-shooting his very large and
very complicated program, the Matrix.
Yes, Neo was probably born special. The Architech explains that "Your
five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication...".
This may or may not be based on genetic engineering. The Machines have
the ability to "grow" their own humans for the power plants.
The system may or may not reboot, but I suspect that safe-guards have
been programmed into the Matrix to prevent massive populations from
rejecting the program and potentially endangering the Machine world
Neo was specifically brought before the Architect to make a choice.
The Architect is unable to make a choice other than the one that
mathmatically is most favorable. Neo is not bound to this type of
logic. The best decision may or may not be the most logical and the
Architect has come to realize this with humans.
When Neo "beat" Smith is a big discussion. You could argue it was a
balancing of the equation, the Machines were able to destroy Smith
through Neo, or that Neo was able to destroy Smith after Smith absorbed
him, or possibly it was the effect of The Source as Neo dies after
Smith has absorbed him, thus killing Smith too. As you recall, after
Smith has been destroyed, all the programs that had been absorbed by
Smith return....except Neo.
Anyway, those are just some thoughts. If you are a big fan, I highly
recommend the box set. Animatrix will help fill in a good bit of
information and history about how / why the Matrix came to be.
"I was hoping that wasn't the case, because the whole thing with trying to figure out how Neo got his powers"
I am a huge fan of the Matrix series, but for the life of me I just
can't figure out certain aspects of the scene between Neo and the
Architect. I'm posting this question here since I believe the answer
has to do with computer programming issues. Here is a copy of the
transcript from the scene in question:
The main part that confuses me is when the Architect says that Neo must
temporarily disseminate the code he carries, reinserting the prime
program. From what I've been able to gather in the little bit of
research I've done, phrases like "prime program" and "anomaly" are
programming terms. However, beyond that I don't know what the
Architect is talking about. Is he talking about rebooting the Matrix?
What is the code Neo carries? Is it the prime program? A glitch
caused by people refusing the Matrix? Or is it something else
entirely? Help!
I'm hoping someone in this group who is a programmer and is also a fan
of the movies can help me understand this scene (and any other aspects
related to this scene). I'm not a programmer, though (hence the reason
I'm here), so please explain it simply and in laymen's terms if at all
possible. Any help that can be provided will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
PascalK wrote:
> How do you access the file (binary / text)?
> Could you please post some code, maybe there is another error.
> Best regards
> Pascal
Thank you for your reply. The problem turned out to be a fault with
the .eof() function which was testing the end of the source file. When
this fault was accomodated, the sink (write to) file expanded as
Thanks again.
This actually has nothing to do with programming (they just used fancy computer-sounding terms because it's a movie about being inside a computer), but I decided to not delete your post for three reasons:
I'm writing a program in Bloodshed C++ 5.0 that outputs data to a temp
file for later processing. While the source file is read in ok, the
output file seems to be limited to 84 kilobytes in length. Is this a
default length, or is there a way to specify the file size when
creating the file?
Thank you.
Take a look at your order of operations ;)
Hi all,
I have a basic query regarding pointers
What is the difference between int *a[5] and int(*a)[5]
Many times i get confused between these two
Can any one give the correct answer?
Thanks & Regards
I prefer sscanf and stringstream but it seems that sscanf would be
easier here.
sscanf(src, fmt_str, args... );
argv[0] is your executable's path.
This is what I am trying to do
int main(int argc,char * argv[])
int someint;
someint = atoi argv[0]
Can any body provide any good research oriented project proposal for
masters degree. I m interested in embedded system.
Hey Guys,
I am glad I am a member of this group and I look forward to exchanging
views and ideas, and solving problems in C++.
I want to cease this opportunity to introduce you to my group. It is
called "Programming Coursework Doctors". This group has been set up to
help students with programming coursework and general problems in
programming they may have.
Please feel free to join the group and use it if you have programming
problems or if you want to offer a solution to a problem.
Link to my group ("Programming Coursework Doctors") is:
Copy and paste the link into your browser.
Hey Guys,
I am glad I am a member of this group and I look forward to exchanging
views and ideas, and solving problems in C++.
I want to cease this opportunity to introduce you to my group. It is
called "Programming Coursework Doctors". This group has been set up to
help students with programming coursework and general problems in
programming they may have.
Please feel free to join the group and use it if you have programming
problems or if you want to offer a solution to a problem.
Link to my group ("Programming Coursework Doctors") is:
Copy and paste the link into your browser.
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Pensjonat Kuba
Poniższa wiadomość została wygenerowana automatycznie z konta przy pomocy autorespondera. Nie odpowiadaj na nią!
Ta wiadomośc została wygenerowana automatycznie :
Dziękujemy za kontakt, postaramy się odpowiedzieć na tą wiadomość jak najszybciej !
Z wyrazami szacunku
Pensjonat Kuba
Hi KyawThi Ha, Please sned me a pm to I can send you
my turbo C++. compiler.
i guess i am not late for the reply.
Thanks & Regards,
I think that you have to uese You can then use
somthing like:
string x="";
then you can use that x and parse it for words.
I think that you have to uese You can then use
somthing like:
string x="";
then you can use that x and parse it for words.
hi all;
i live in turkey ineed everything for c++ please help me my
adress fatih cad. marmara mah. yakuplu b.çekmece isatanbul turkey
please send everything for c++(cd,book.disk,mail,web adress) PLEASE
hi all;
I wanrt learn c++ i need book or web adress please help me my gmail PLEASE!!!!!!
For more discussion join "C++ Sucks" and also invite your friend to
join this group, who have passion for c++.
Nagaraj P wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am doing B.E. in Computer Science. I am a diploma holder in same branch.
> this sem i am learing C++. also I learnt in Diploma. I read Robert Lafore.
> it is wonderful book for C++.
> Please send mails to me at I can be a good
> that we can discuss about our carrier, education, others. I
> am interested in hacking, device drivers, Java technology, Linux ,
> Networking, I want be a Software Engg. I am an Indian.
> if anybody know India then I tell I am a Bangalorean which is IT
> capital of India.
> Be in touch Personally.
> best whishes
> On 9/29/05, Cpp-Programming group <> wrote:
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> Nagaraj
They are number of projects that can be developed using c++
some of the ideas are Data compression, encryption, text to speech etc.
you can do anything.
For more discussion or help join "C++ Sucks" and also invite your
friend to
join this group, who have passion for c++.
Anil Pulipati wrote:
> Hi friend,
> I am doing my 3rd B.Tech.It <http://B.Tech.It>'s nice to receive a mail
> from u.
> In my next sem, I have C++ in my next sem. I would like to know it in
> advance. Thanks for mentioning the book by Robert Lafore.
> Keep mailing.
> Bye.
> On 9/29/05, Nagaraj P <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> > I am doing B.E. in Computer Science. I am a diploma holder in same branch.
> > this sem i am learing C++. also I learnt in Diploma. I read Robert Lafore.
> > it is wonderful book for C++.
> > Please send mails to me at I can be a good
> > that we can discuss about our carrier, education, others. I
> > am interested in hacking, device drivers, Java technology, Linux ,
> > Networking, I want be a Software Engg. I am an Indian.
> > if anybody know India then I tell I am a Bangalorean which is IT
> > capital of India.
> > Be in touch Personally.
> > best whishes
> >
> > On 9/29/05, Cpp-Programming group <> wrote:
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Hi you can find the Object oriented programming features at this link..
this pdf is by the creator of c++.
nice one.
join "c++ sucks" for more details.
Sana Tariq wrote:
> plz can anyone send me the features of detail...i'll greatfullto
> u....
> sunnyia
> On 10/2/05, BlueRaja <> wrote:
> >
> > No.
HI dear,
I cant get your question very clearly. but as per my understanding I am
writing you the simple solution.
One thing you can do to check that whether a file already exists or not
is just open a file for reading . and if file open is successful then
file already exists. so you can close this file, display an error
message " File already exists..." and ask for other file name.
if the file could not be opened for reading then it means that there is
no already existing file with the same name. so you can now open this
file for writing and start writing into it.
instead of using system("Pause") to give a pause. you can use getch()
defoned in conio.h
( #include <conio.h>)
Hope it will solve your problem.
Best Regards,
Kris Thayer wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm in an Intro to Programming class with C++. I have this small project based on using c_str for I/O with files.
> Can someone help me with my attempt to check for whether the file exists and get it to work so the program doesnt' just close when a file that doesn't exist gets typed in? I'm using DevC++ so have to use system("PAUSE"); in the code.
> Here's the code:
> //****************** this line is 70 characters long **********
> #include <iostream>
> #include <string>
> #include <fstream>
> #include <cassert>
> /*
> Kris Thayer
> 10/3/05
> Assignment 5.5
> This program asks to enter the name of a file and then counts the
> words in the file. A word is any sequence of non-whitespace
> characters. When "quit" is entered, the program ends. The files must
> be located in the same folder as the project file. Data is input into
> the program one character at a time and keeps track of current and
> previous characters. Any time the previous character or current character
> is a whitespace character, there's an increment to the count.
> */
> using namespace std;
> int main()
> {
> char currentChar; // current character read in
> char previousChar; // last character read
> int wordCount; // count of sequences of non-whitepace
> string fileName; // name of file entered
> ifstream inFile; // declaration of a file variable
> cout << "Type in the filename: ";
> cin >> fileName;
> if (!inFile)
> {
> cout << "Please enter a filename that exists: " << endl;
> cin >> fileName;
> }
> while (fileName != "quit")
> {
> assert(inFile);
> wordCount = 0;
> inFile.get (previousChar);
> inFile.get (currentChar);
> while (inFile)
> {
> if ((previousChar != ' ' && previousChar != '\n') &&
> (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\n'))
> wordCount++;
> previousChar = currentChar;
> inFile.get (currentChar);
> }
> if (previousChar != ' ' && previousChar != '\n')
> wordCount++;
> cout << "This file contains " << wordCount << " words." << endl;
> inFile.close();
> inFile.clear();
> cout << "\n" << endl;
> cout << "Type in another filename: ";
> cin >> fileName;
> }
> system ("pause");
> return 0;
> }
> Thanks
> Kris
Hi Friends,
I would like to add one more book.
it is C++ by Bjrane Stroustrup. ( the creater of c++ )
if you really wanna know the c++ to the roots this is the book for
some what tough to get everything in first attempt but overall this
covers each and evety aspect of c++.
Regarding Hacking , and other stuff like device driver writing etc. I
think it is better to practice c++ as much as you can as a fresher,
than spending time in this type of stuff. so just stress on core c++
and object oriented concepts. It will be of great significance to you
and add a value to your resume as a fresher.
Rest depends upon you .
Thanks & regards,
Nagaraj P wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am doing B.E. in Computer Science. I am a diploma holder in same branch.
> this sem i am learing C++. also I learnt in Diploma. I read Robert Lafore.
> it is wonderful book for C++.
> Please send mails to me at I can be a good
> that we can discuss about our carrier, education, others. I
> am interested in hacking, device drivers, Java technology, Linux ,
> Networking, I want be a Software Engg. I am an Indian.
> if anybody know India then I tell I am a Bangalorean which is IT
> capital of India.
> Be in touch Personally.
> best whishes
> On 9/29/05, Cpp-Programming group <> wrote:
> >
> > C++ Programming
> >
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> > * Final Year Project - 3 new
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> > --------------------------
> > Encryption Program? - Wed,Sep 28 2005 11:37 am
> > 3 messages , 3 authors
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> --
> Nagaraj
I'm in an Intro to Programming class with C++. I have this small project based on using c_str for I/O with files.
Can someone help me with my attempt to check for whether the file exists and get it to work so the program doesnt' just close when a file that doesn't exist gets typed in? I'm using DevC++ so have to use system("PAUSE"); in the code.
Here's the code:
//****************** this line is 70 characters long **********
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
Kris Thayer
Assignment 5.5
This program asks to enter the name of a file and then counts the
words in the file. A word is any sequence of non-whitespace
characters. When "quit" is entered, the program ends. The files must
be located in the same folder as the project file. Data is input into
the program one character at a time and keeps track of current and
previous characters. Any time the previous character or current character
is a whitespace character, there's an increment to the count.
using namespace std;
int main()
char currentChar; // current character read in
char previousChar; // last character read
int wordCount; // count of sequences of non-whitepace
string fileName; // name of file entered
ifstream inFile; // declaration of a file variable
cout << "Type in the filename: ";
cin >> fileName;
if (!inFile)
cout << "Please enter a filename that exists: " << endl;
cin >> fileName;
while (fileName != "quit")
wordCount = 0;
inFile.get (previousChar);
inFile.get (currentChar);
while (inFile)
if ((previousChar != ' ' && previousChar != '\n') &&
(currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\n'))
previousChar = currentChar;
inFile.get (currentChar);
if (previousChar != ' ' && previousChar != '\n')
cout << "This file contains " << wordCount << " words." << endl;
cout << "\n" << endl;
cout << "Type in another filename: ";
cin >> fileName;
system ("pause");
return 0;
I've started a brand new computer forum and I welcome all of you to
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If you are intersted:
or just go straight to the forum:
plz can anyone send me the features of detail...i'll greatfullto u....sunnyia
On 10/2/05, BlueRaja < > wrote:No.
Hi all,
I am doing B.E. in Computer Science. I am a diploma holder in same branch.
this sem i am learing C++. also I learnt in Diploma. I read Robert Lafore.
it is wonderful book for C++.
Please send mails to me at I can be a good that we can discuss about our carrier, education, others. I
am interested in hacking, device drivers, Java technology, Linux ,
Networking, I want be a Software Engg. I am an Indian.
if anybody know India then I tell I am a Bangalorean which is IT
capital of India.
Be in touch Personally.
best whishes
On 9/29/05, Cpp-Programming group <> wrote:
> C++ Programming
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> * Final Year Project - 3 new
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> Encryption Program? - Wed,Sep 28 2005 11:37 am
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