Sunday, July 15, 2012

[Cpp-Programming] Webinar - Battle of the C++ Testing Frameworks

So you've decide to write your C++ unit tests. The first step is choosing a testing framework.

Which frameworks should you go with?

We're going to introduce the most frequently used frameworks, and compare them. We'll also discuss things to think about when choosing a framework.

We'll write tests in: CppUnit, GoogleTest, Boost Test, and UnitTest++. You will explore the ease-of-use, APIs, and answer your questions about what is important in a testing framework.

Let us help you choose the right framework for you.

Battle it out. Who's going to be the top framework?

When: Wednesday, July 18 at 10:00 AM US Eastern Time, 15:00 United Kingdom

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Saturday, July 07, 2012
