Monday, October 24, 2005

Re: Question about scene in The Matrix Reloaded

BlueRaja and jhaley, thank you both for your responses. You helped me
to get a better understanding of the nature of choice and its effects
on the programming of the Matrix.

I've been doing some thinking, and here's what I've come up with

The programming of the Matrix contains an equation that is balanced
when everyone chooses to accept the Matrix.

When a person rejects the Matrix, it produces a tiny unbalancing of the
equation (an anomaly, or irregularity).

When lots of people reject the Matrix, the unbalanced portion starts to
add up (a systemic anomaly).

At a certain point, the total amount of this imbalance becomes attached
to a single person in the form of code (integral anomaly, or the entire
amount of the systemic anomaly brought together into a single person).

This person (the One) then becomes the expression of the anomaly, or
the scapegoat. The entire portion of the imbalance is found within

The only way that the equation can be balanced is for the imbalanced
portion to be destroyed.

The only way for the imbalanced portion to be destroyed is for it to be
brought to the Source.

The only way for it to be brought to the Source is through the human to
which it is attached.

The only way to get the human to unload the imbalance into the Source
is to offer him the choice to do so. The imbalance was created because
of choice, and it can only be destroyed by choice.

Unloading the imbalance into the Source to be destroyed is the final
step to the Path of the One. The Path of the One is the prime program
of the Matrix. It begins with the One choosing 23 individuals to
rebuild Zion and ends with the next One dumping the code into the

In programming terms, a prime program is a minimal entry, single exit
flow chart graph. What that means is that there is only one exit that
will allow the Matrix to continue--for the One to dump the imbalanced
code. If he does not do so, the Matrix crashes and everyone dies.

It was inevitable that the One would return to the Source. Not even
Neo was able to sidestep it. He may have produced a different result
than the previous Ones, but in the end he returned to the Source just
like they did. The difference is that Neo managed to keep Zion from
being destroyed and forced the Architect to change the programming of
the Matrix so that when people reject the Matrix it is no longer an
anomaly. Because there is no longer an anomaly being created when
people reject the Matrix, there will not be another One.


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