Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday

Dear akim salim

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Re: [Cpp-Programming] [Help] Obfuscated code printing a map !

The question I want to ask is, is this code made in the first go or is it like first the full logic was made and then trimmed down to this state to confuse the users ?

For that you'd have to ask the original author.
Can anyone give the idea how these kinds of code are made taking the example of "Hello World" !
Someone very clever  came up with the idea and wrote the code.  Some people consider code like this a way of showing off how clever they are, some people consider it art.  For more examples of code like this, see here and here.

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[Cpp-Programming] [Help] Obfuscated code printing a map !

This is an obfuscated piece of code printing the Map of India. On searching the net some logic was explained about the program.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int a,b,c;
int count = 1;
for (b=c=10;a="- FIGURE?, UMKC,XYZHello Folks,\
TFy!QJu ROo TNn(ROo)SLq SLq ULo+\
T|S~Pn SPm SOn TNn ULo0ULo#ULo-W\
Hq!WFs XDt!" [b+++21]; )
for(; a-- > 64 ; )
putchar ( ++c=='Z' ? c = c/ 9:33^b&1);
return 0;

Attaching the Image also. The question I want to ask is, is this code made in the first go or is it like first the full logic was made and then trimmed down to this state to confuse the users ?

Can anyone give the idea how these kinds of code are made taking the example of "Hello World" !

Any kind of help or hint will be highly appreciated.


Ankit A

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

[Cpp-Programming] iFoneBook project


i want to share with you my iFoneBook , which is windows application
written in pure C code,
me and my friend made this app as a project for our system programming

iFoneBook provides you with an easy way to store and retrieve your
contact information.
The program will also connect to your Skype, if you have it installed,
and allow you to make calls to your Skype friends that are listed in
the contact list.

I would like to get your reviews about my new app...

so Download the latest version of iFoneBook or the Console based
PhoneBook ( iFoneBook predecessor ) at the Download Page.

the link to my blog :

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