Re: [Cpp-Programming] file copy program with arguments taken in main function
Hello Surya,
If you do not mention an output file name using the option '-o' then
the default output file 'a.out' is created. But you can mention the
output file name using '-o' immediately followed by the name, which in
this case, was 'filecopy'. So you can then run the program using the
Now, you are expecting 2 input files to be given to the main. So those
two file names are to be provided. If the files are not in the same
directory as the program, you can always give the full path, like,
./filecopy file1.txt /home/minhaz/Desktop/file2.txt
Hope it helps.
Mohammad Minhazul Alam
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE & IT, UITS
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