Re: Final Year Project
Best of LUCK !!!
Programming discussions from newsgroups!
Best of LUCK !!!
Great to hear that friend...........but my be wrong group topic to make
friends :)
nevermind wrote:
> Any ideas for my final year project to earn my Bsc in computer
> engineering?
Hi all,
I am doing B.E. in Computer Science. I am a diploma holder in same branch.
this sem i am learing C++. also I learnt in Diploma. I read Robert Lafore.
it is wonderful book for C++.
Please send mails to me at I can be a good that we can discuss about our carrier, education, others. I
am interested in hacking, device drivers, Java technology, Linux ,
Networking, I want be a Software Engg. I am an Indian.
if anybody know India then I tell I am a Bangalorean which is IT
capital of India.
Be in touch Personally.
best whishes
On 9/29/05, Cpp-Programming group <> wrote:
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At first place i thought of interfacing a remote control to the
parallel or serial port.Hm any usefull links or advises for encryption
Encryption Program?
Well, I got lucky tonight and posted this same question to an guy on
slashdot who actually works for Microsoft, who was kind enough to
answer me. You can check out the thread here:
Peace & Blessings,
Peace be with you all,
I have been doing some win32 dev using the Visual Studio .NET
environment, but the goal of my project is to be completely independent
of any std c or c++ libs. My only target is the win32 api itself. I
have my own file classes so I do not need FILE (I'm an old C
programmer, so I abhor using cout, but I like C++ for the class
encapsulation and occassional inheritance).
The problem is that the MS C/C++ compiler automatically links to a
version of libc.lib, depending upon what kind of threading/debug model
you want. I only want to link to the core 3 libs: kernel32.lib,
user32.lib and gdi32.lib; or, rather, I want a completely clean
environment where I can completely choose the output of my linker
(which, in a win environment means which dlls are linked to at
Now, I'd love to use gcc, but it seems that there's a lot of cruft that
goes along with it (mingw or cygwin) that is the (apparent) result of
overlaying an entire Unix system on top of windows, instead of just
letting the compiler target the env directly (tough, I know). And,
frankly, it seems like cygwin's organization is chaotic at best.
BTW, there is a compiler option for MS's cl.exe (/NODEFAULTLIB) that
suppresses linking to the std libs, but then I get a bunch of
unresolved references that are the result of the compiler's generated
Any suggestions?
Peace & Blessings,
since the memory leak occured from memory allocated in OleIconToCursor,
i believe that the cause is a cursor you created and didn't destroy
within the program. the fact that the memory leak grows shows that you
continually recreate this cursor without destroying it. make sure you
always release and/or destroy all GDI objects your program creates.
i hope this corrects your problem. good luck,
Thank you for your time and input into my matter. It is rather
disheartening that I have spent so much time into an algorithm that
someone can just rip off. I guess I hope that it is such a specialized
niche product that the value of someone taking the code is nill. One
can always dream anyways.I just know I sell one product to the wrong
company in a non-patent protected country and I am sunk...not a very
pleasant feeling. Good luck and Cheers,
Never mind, I figured it out. I had a thread that running a loop all
the time.
I recently wrote a GUI using Microsoft Visual 6.0. I am very happy with
it except that any time the EXE is open (before I have pushed a button
or anything) it is taking like 98% of my CPU usage. Does anyone know
how to avoid this problem.
you're absoulely right...I didn't give enough info hehe...n e ways I
figured out how to get the three files to work in unison with my
compiler (microsoft visual c++ 6.0)...I had to add them to a
workspace....which i did and it ran beautifully. (Jeesh u think my
professor would at LEAST tell us that huh?)
If these are the three files only then the way u included the file.h in
both driver.cpp and file.cpp does not give us much details.
.h files or header files are specifically used to give declarations of
global variables,classes and functions. (but programmer may tailor it
according its need). so these header files should be included in the
cpp files that are either givings definitions of functions or are using
these functions. if any cpp file is not using the functions or
variables delared in header file we need not include that header file
in the cpp file.
As far as the whole integration is concerned each cpp file is compiled
separately ( during this the compiler only verfies whether the
functions that are used are declared and are appropriate) so comes the
role of header file. But during the linking phase all the complied
files are linked togetherand integrated into single program.
Any way as BlueRaja said for further details u have to study some
tutorials related to compiling and linking.
If file.cpp is the main implementation file the you should include both
the files : file.h and driver.cpp in file.cpp, regarding the other two
files , it depends upon which file is used for what , u have to give
more detals!
You might want to consider reading some online tutorials on how the compiling process works..
Im very n00b to programming and im working on this project..... and
I've got 3 different files....a header file ('file.h'), an
Implementation file ('file.cpp') and a driver file ('driver.cpp'). In
both the file.cpp and driver.cpp files..i put #include "file.h" ...but
im pretty sure thats wrong...i mean how does the driver file know how
to include my "file.cpp" implementaion file?? HELP THIS plz
I think it is better to use the new and delete operator for the c++
dynamic allocation.
int row =3,col=3;
int **p = new int *[3];
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
p[i]=new int[3];
now u can use p[i][j] notation for manuipulations
to delete the memory allocation
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
delete [] p[i];
delete []p;
If u use char type variable then u are limited to the usage of
character set that cannot suport the other languages as the maximum
range of character the char data type can support is -128 to 127.
this is boz the char data type uses 1 sign bit and 7 data bits (so
total 1 byte).
In order to support other language characters we have to increase the
capacity to store characters. For that we use wchar_t data type (16 bit
or 2 byte ). This can accomodate other languages including that u
U have to check for the File operation functions whether they suport
widechars or not depending upon the IDE and Complier.
void *x;
This only works, however, if the address you are refering to is within
the application's process image. If not, a page-fault will occur.
I'm unsing timeBeginPeriod(1) with this:
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
compiler says:
warning: ignoring pragma comment
... undefined reference to timeBeginPeriod@4
... undefined reference to timeEndPeriod@4
how else could I link a library? is this the correct way?
is there a need to have a project? (because everybody tells something
about changings to the linker... which I don't know. I do not use
something like a project I think)
do I have to do changings in the project-file?
hi ,
I have a partition of linux which is 40GB in /dev/sda4 and a 40GB
in /dev/sda5. I created it when installing Fedora Core 3. In /dev/sda5
i have my /home partition and I have 3 users . Many data is there in
/dev/sda5. I want to get the 40GB from the /dev/sda4 combine with
/dev/sda5 without losing data.
Can any one tell how is to be done in linux . I think it can be
done using partition magic but that is in windows . So any help would
be appreciated .
I have another question regarding C++ technique. When writing an
application from scratch, is it better to use exceptions for all
errors, use return codes via the function returns, or a combination of
If you are using a library, I would almost see it a neccesity to use
both since libraries thrown exceptions in some case or return a NULL or
equivalent value.
Any thoughts?
Well, BlueRaja, I should compliment you for putting aside Physics and
taking one for the team. You are correct, I completely forgot that all
variables are thrown on the stack regardless of when they are declared
locally. Good point!
I should mention that this was code compiled under MS 2003, compiled under debug configuration; however, I'm pretty sure that I what I said still applies to most decent x86 compilers (and for most other given architectures as well).
int i;
I have a general question regarding code efficiency. In my workplace,
I have come across two different approaches to variable declarations
and scope.
One is to declare all function variables at the top of the function and
reuse the variables inside of loops, long condition handlers, etc.
>From a style perspective, this makes code difficult to read since its a
rule-of-thumb to declare variables as close as possible to their use.
However, the variables are allocated and intialized once.
The other scenario I've seen is for the programmer to literally declare
variables within 'while' and 'for' loops. Under the rules of C++, this
is safe because the variables will have loop scope. It is also
incredibly easy to read since the variables are right there when they
are used (which is just inside of the loop), and it doesn't have to be
traced towards the top of the function or even the top of the loop if
it is a long one. However, does the contant re-initializing hamper
efficiency of the program?
Calling to the coder community, what are you thoughts? Is it better
practice to take advantage of loop scope (block scope) or should all
variables be delcared outside of loops?