[Cpp-Programming] i need help in C++
Alright.. i kinda solved the question, but i cant solve the error.
please let me know if you can help.
-The question is:
Create the attached linked list using stuct nodes. Use the linked
list to print out as a polynomial... -3x^7 + 4x^5 + 7x^3 - x^2 + 9.
-If you would like to see a diagram for it go to:
Here is what i did.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Node{
string coeff;
int power;
Node *nextPtr;
Node* inputPolynomial( void );
void deletePolynomial( Node * );
double evaluatePolynomial(Node *, double x);
void printPolynomial( Node * );
void addNodeAfter (Node *, string, int);
int main(void){
int size = 7;
Node *dhead = NULL;
Node *cur = NULL;
dhead = new Node();
cur = dhead;
cur ->coeff = "-3";
cur->power = 7;
cur->nextPtr = new Node();
cur = cur->nextPtr;
cur->coeff = "4x";
cur->power = 5;
cur->nextPtr = new Node();
cur = cur->nextPtr;
cur->coeff = "7";
cur->power = 3;
cur->nextPtr = new Node();
cur = cur->nextPtr;
cur->coeff = "-1";
cur->power = 2;
cur->nextPtr = new Node();
cur = cur->nextPtr;
addNodeAfter(dhead, "9" , 0);
void printPolynomail(Node *passNode){
Node *tempCur = passNode;
while (tempCur->nextPtr != passNode){
cout << tempCur->coeff << endl;
tempCur = tempCur->nextPtr;
cout << tempCur->coeff << endl;
void deletePolynomial(Node *passNode){
passNode->nextPtr = (passNode->nextPtr)->nextPtr;
void addNodeAfter (Node*passNode, string coeff, int power){
Node *temp = passNode->nextPtr;
passNode->nextPtr = new Node();
(passNode->nextPtr)->coeff = coeff;
(passNode->nextPtr)->power = power;
(passNode->nextPtr)->nextPtr = temp;
//(passNode->nextPtr)->prevPtr = passNode;
//temp->prevPtr = passNode->nextPtr;
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