Friday, August 19, 2005

Help for a newbie!

A few of the guys in my department are trying to come up with a menu-driven
program to average grades,among other functions. We are not programmers,
but I think we could muddle thru if we only had a general layout for the
program. We want it to:
Input grades
Print Grades
Print grade average
Print highest grade
Print lowest grade
Sort grades
Exit the program.
From what I have read, this could be implemented as a large "switch", and
each option could be done with a "function". Could someone help with a
gneral layout for the program? Thanks!
- junebug68


At 8:00 AM, August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about your programming course instructor? Is he/she available so
you could ask him/her? Or are you learning by correspondence? What books on C++ are you reading?

At 8:01 AM, August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, assuming you are not trying to do this for a homework
assignment, you can do two things:
A. Ask a computer programmer from another department (Computer Science
is a plus) if they'd be interested in coding it for you (probably not).

B. Use a spreadsheet program. If you're not looking for a centralized
database or "collection of grade informat", then 99% of spreadsheet
applications will be able to do these simple calculations. Some of them even have macro tools that make it so you can put all of the
calculations (such as print grade average, etc) on a button.

Then of course, that'd be taking the easy route, and since this is
homework, that's not allowed. Shame on you trying to cheat.

At 8:02 AM, August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't have a course instructor. We work in a print shop at a community
college. I have an old "C Primer Plus", by Stephen Prata, gotten from the library.

At 8:03 AM, August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this could be done in Excel, but we don't have access to it. I am an employyee at a community college. I work in a print shop. This is not my
(or anyone else's) homework. But thanks for your concern.

At 8:03 AM, August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my apologies then. Honestly though it's going to be a big pain to program in C++ and not worth your time just for that. If you don't have access to Excel, you can download a free spreadsheet program to do it too.

Check out for a MS Office similar suite.

Just out of curiosity, why does a print shop need to worry about
grades? I figured the Computer Services department would handle the
grade software.

Josh McFarlane

At 8:04 AM, August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then I strongly recommend against using C++ for that. You'd need to learn too much before you accomplish anything. Use something simpler, like
Python or Visual Basic or Java. All of them have GUI subsystems, all are
OO (kinda).


At 8:05 AM, August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds to me like "input form, store data, display form" which
IMHO can be excelently solved by a web-driven solution like PHP /
MySQL. This is IMHO a bit easier to learn and you don't have to mess
around with GUI-APIs plus tutorials are everywhere around.



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